by Dataelements

Ayton 雋睿 - 永義
Property Consumption Status 銷售情況

Total 60 units, size 228-1525 ft2, 37 sold units
* denote - Unit size in sqft Listed price Sold($mn)
* to display the consumption status of max 10 units per tower

全部 60 單位, 尺數 228-1525 平方尺, 37 成交單位
* 顯示代表 - 單位尺數 價單 成交($百萬)
* 每棟樓最多顯示十個單位的銷售情況

Warning: Undefined array key "id" in /home/dataelem/public_html/property/property-estsale.php on line 103

Tower 1
樓層Unit AUnit BUnit CUnit D
81525 36.91513
711881196 43.3677651
61188 44.11196677 22.2651 22.0
51188 45.51196 42.6677651 21.2
311881196677 20.3651 19.2
111631158639 20.6639 18.2
01481 65.0

Tower 2
樓層Unit AUnit BUnit CUnit DUnit E
7616403 13.9265 8.4278 8.6283 8.6
6616403 13.6265 8.0278 8.5283 8.4
5616403 12.9265 7.9278 8.5283
3616 17.8403 11.6265 7.9278 8.2283 8.0
2616403 11.4265 7.7278 8.0283 7.8
1620407 10.7228 6.8242 7.5287 7.7